Informed Decision Making

by Launi on January 6, 2022

in Birthing Info


“This is your baby. No one else’s. It does not belong to the doctor, the midwife, the hospital–or me. In the end, the birthing experience needs to be yours as well.”

This is the sentiment that I try to convey to the couples that take my class. It’s a simple enough idea, of course. The trouble is, when a laboring woman enters the hospital, she is often overwhelmed by the larger-than-life professional medical environment and may find herself being pushed along in a wave of interventions that she never intended to have. How can she possibly know which procedures are necessary and which are simply hospital policy? Shouldn’t she be able to make these decisions about her body and her birth with a basic understanding of what the procedure entails–including the pros and cons of each? Well, of course she should.

This will help.

No, Thank You–A Guide To Informed Decision Making


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