Relieving Mastitis

by Launi on May 5, 2022

in Helpful Tips, Mom's Health

If you’ve ever heard my speech about using Castor oil to jump start labor–you’ll likely remember–I am NOT a fan. Taking Castor oil internally is not a good idea, unless the thought of having stomach cramps and explosive diarrhea while in labor sounds fun to you. Yikes.

However, there is a perfectly good reason to still have Castor oil in your medicine cabinet. Have you ever heard of mastitis? Yeah, it can be awful. Mastitis is the infection of a blocked milk duct in the breast. For many moms, taking a few hot showers will “melt” the blockage and solve the problem. But in the event that it just gets worse and more painful, here’s what you need to do before it gets out of hand.

Buy a bottle of organic Castor Oil from the health food store. Pour about a tablespoon onto a hot, wet wash cloth and hold it on the sore area. You can use a heating pad to keep it warm or just update the application when it loses it’s warmth. Castor oil helps to ease the pain and draw out the blockage. Do this before and after nursing for a few hours and you’ll be amazed at how fast you feel relief! Oh, and when you’re at the Health Food store, grab some Lymph capsules too. Last time I checked, they were pretty cheap. Take as directed and they will help clear the glands from the inside.

The most important thing is to catch mastitis early and get rid of it fast. In fact, it’s a good idea to just have the castor oil in your medicine cabinet–just in case. Trust me on this. It really works.

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